Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More train-ing and other news

I spent some more time on The Sounder today with a new, smaller camera Joe borrowed from work. The Canon G10 is a rough and tumble point-and-shoot camera that reminds me of my dad's old Rollie film camera. He used to take that thing everywhere - it was an amazing "toy."

The sun came out in time for the M's home opener - and of course, my ride home from work.

I recently found out that I was the recipient of the EPA's NNEMS Fellowship and will be going to work for them (in Seattle) starting in June. It is weird how opportunities come lumped together - especially when it seemed it had been such a long time between them. I'm excited about the future and must remind myself that I'm living a surreal dream. They are going to have me working on multimedia and shooting photos for their website. Something tells me I'm going to like that.

1 comment:

Tars said...

Ingrid! I love your shots.