Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The flood of '09

Last night, Joe and I heard there might be a "storm" heading our direction. We decided to prepare our gear, get up before dawn, and drive toward the Puyallup River valley. We began the day at a Tacoma landmark - the Pink Elephant Car Wash - where they also sell gasoline.

We then drove through Puyallup on into Sumner and Orting. We were in search of a flood.

Forecasters are calling it "The Big One" and we'll just have to wait and see if they're right. The Puyallup never crested today in Sumner where we spent the majority of our time. It did, however, begin to do some serious damage in Orting and the surrounding areas. By the time we left the Rainier Manor mobile home park around 4:30 p.m., most of the residents had left. A few decided to stay and wait the storm out. Rumors were flying all day that the river would crest nearly 8 feet above flood stage.

I hope these people survive the surge.

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